My Daily Visitor – February 1st to February 7th

Articles published in My Daily Visitor

February 1st, 2008 Friday


A parable for the followers then and now. Another story that crosses not only time but cultures as well. From one millennium to the next, His words are understandable to all whose ears and minds are open. Technological changes abound us. So much is different between generations. So much is obsolete, quickly forgotten by our children. The new is more confusing and the old gadgets lose their meaning and uses/purposes. His parables are understood by all, beyond all the boundaries of space and time.

Today’s parable with the underlying message of growth beyond our understanding, is for us not to question, but realize that as the wheat, we will never fully comprehend the why’s and how’s. The deeper science goes, the more that still remains unfathomable. Trust in the harvester, the sower, our Lord.

Lord, help me to accept my limitations and trust in the sower.

February 2nd, 2008 Saturday  Feast of The Presentation of the Lord    

 The Merits of Faith

In today’s reading we have the foundations necessary for faith to flourish. Obligation and duty are represented with the sacred ritual of the purification of the Jewish mother. The consecration of the firstborn son to the Lord was also a requirement, but this did not need to be done at the temple. As the Savior, there had to be another sign of what is to come – foretelling of the Joy, Glory, Light and Suffering – the mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

Simeon and Anna (further on in Luke’s Gospel) represent what some, including me, lack today. My illness creates doubt and worry in much of what I do. Imagine their dedication, sacrifices, discipline and trust that build faith. The simple pleasures voluntarily denied. The enormous responsibility to themselves, others and the Lord.

Lord, please instill in me these great attributes of your holy Servants Simeon and Anna.

February 3rd, 2008 Sunday

 Acceptance and Accepted

 The blessedness of the Beatitudes given to His apostles, to us – all people, is a magnificent prayer, a summit to be reached but never fully acclaimed. We are the weak, the poor, the ones to whom our Savior looks. Has this ever happened in human history, in any religion where God seeks us – the wretched? With my doubts, my insecurities, I certainly belong to those whom Jesus is speaking.

Only through acceptance is there growth. I want to belong to this fraternity who recognize ones fallibilities. This can be wonderful and serene in accepting who we really are – for Jesus welcomes all who do. The Beatitudes are for us seeking the pleasure of obtaining unobtainable goals – the pleasure of climbing to perfection that can only be reached after this life.

Let me see myself, Lord, as I truly am and what I can be.

February 4th, 2008 Monday

 Power, A Saved Soul and Rejection

 The images presented in today’s Gospel are very stark and slightly disturbing. These few verses tell of tombs, deserted hillsides and darkness. Along with multiple demons controlling a soul which no human can save (someone’s son caught in the devils web. How could this have occurred?). They’re powerful, breaking the strongest chains made by man, and the swine – unclean, therefore a Gentile herd and village – then rejection of our Lord.

Two thousand swine, two thousand demons? Jesus fools them, gives the demons their desired swine to possess and then drowns them. Our Savior’s power is overwhelming with this huge sacrifice to save one human soul. Jesus is then told to leave. Is the village not accepting the loss of the swine/food for a soul? The Gentiles are not ready to be saved.

Lord, help me not to err in choosing the material pleasures over you.

February 5th, 2008 Tuesday Saint Agatha Virgin and Martyr

Those Who Came Before

The early heroes of our faith, many are unknown, we owe them for the Church of today. Like all things constructed, strong supports are needed for the walls and floors to follow. From the cornerstone, Peter, lives were sacrificed that became the ground floor. These early disciples included St. Agatha (d.251?).

Take the self-centeredness, material greed of our culture, add to that slavery, paganism, etc. and you have the Roman Empire. The hardships we face today are nothing compared to those pathfinders of our faith. Think of the struggles facing these sacrificed ones. We have the forefathers to exemplify, apparitions of the Virgin Mary, countless saints and miracles to remind us of our duty. How do we stand up to the pressures of our culture? How do we measure to these early saints and martyrs?

Lord, I pray that I may be strong enough to support those who follow.

February 6th, 2008 Ash Wednesday

The Beginning towards Fulfillment

First sorrow, then hope. First the fast and then the feast. First the recognition that we are nothing but the earth from which we came – without the Savior to give us soul, the center of our individual spirituality. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the end to fulfillment of the scriptures. We must recognize and accept who we really are and to whom this is owed.

This day signifies the beginning of preparation for the immense sorrow to follow our days of penance. Many faiths have such a time of cleansing. They all recognize that we are all impure in some way.  The body, to the earth with which it must return, and the soul are far from the perfection we and our Lord wish us to have. Remember, joy is the final outcome.

I pray Lord, that my penances may be worthy of Your Grace.

February 7th, 2008 Thursday

Paths to Life

In the words for today, Moses laid the groundwork and our Savior brings us a step closer to what we must do and become. As AA says we must accept our powerlessness in this world. Accept, in this world the trappings it offers us, is the way of escaping the truths in front of us. The chronological world we live projects many false images of pleasure, responsibilities, wealth, etc.

We must accept our weaknesses in our selves and others. We cannot do everything, but to deny our limitations is to deny humanness, our Lord, the faith. Do not be fooled with the electronics pervading us.

The ground rules are laid out before us; a path well worn by those how followed. Just imagine how visible this path would be if more listened.

I pray Lord, that as a community, we all may join together and follow.


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