My Daily Visitor – November 8th to November 14th

Articles published in My Daily Visitor

November 8th 2006. Wednesday

 Our Hidden Burdens

We must each carry our own cross. Sounds simple. We believe we know are faults, but are we really true to ourselves? I know my faults, but are they my true cross. I still have trouble admitting/accepting my illness and this, at times, has a greater negative effect than the illness itself. Knowing I can’t do something is one thing. Coming face to face is another story. Who knows us best? Only when we know will we be able to proceed correctly down the path desired. The path made out for each one of us, individually.

When we confess, we verbalize our sins to God who already knows us. Why? Maybe it’s to admit to ourselves the sins/faults we have. Also, accepting our own faults takes us a step closer to accepting others

Help me to open my eyes, Lord, to see myself and others as truth.

November 9th, 2006 Thursday. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome

On this day of the dedication of the pope’s Cathedral in Rome (not St. Peter’s), we hear a Gospel Story of cleansing and ignorance. Here, our Lord, from actions that are an affront to his dignity and purpose displays the human emotion of anger. These are the people He will suffer and die for. Be humiliated for. And what do they show in return, unknowingly, but nevertheless disgraceful behavior in a solemn place.

On the last days of his earthly life, the people still misinterpret his words. Again, they do not comprehend what is about to occur. His anger is only reinforced by their inability to see. They, after all his preaching, still only understand this life on the physical plane. There is a world of beauty and love beyond our human understanding.

Lord, please help me see and accept to what my ignorance and ego blinds.

November 10th, 2006 St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

Right Rime, Right Place

Noted for his great leadership in an early moment of the church, St Leo the Great reinforced doctrine when most needed. This was the time of Rome’s fall and the expected power and cultural vacuums that would occur. Leadership occurs on many levels of society, from the head of state to our families. Many times I remember bosses who measured up to the task; those for whom I didn’t mind giving a little effort. Then, there of course those who made the task at hand a most miserable experience.

Sometimes we are called to lead.  It may occur naturally; sometimes we’re not even aware of the situation. We try are best to be fair as we are pulled into different directions by the forces and personalities involved.

When the time calls to lead, Lord, let me not shirk my duties and succeed.

November 11th, 2006 Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop. Saturday

A Little Drop

Like many of you, I receive monetary requests from worthwhile organizations and I wonder what my small pittance can do. On this Feast Day for St. Martin of Tours, we are reminded of a story. As a soldier, he came across a beggar. With nothing to give, he used an instrument of terror – his sword – to cut a piece of his own garment.

We too are limited. I am not saying that we should donate our only possessions, but giving just a little can have such an affect on others’ lives. God always notices ones actions with ones capability. Remember the man and the buried coins in the field.

The best gifts received are sometimes from those who could give so little. The effort behind the gift is what counts.

Lord, remind me that effort is sometimes the gift itself.

November 12, 2006 Sunday

A Sacrifice for Love

The finality in this Letter to the Hebrews really struck me. God sacrificed his only son, once. That’s it. For all the sins of man, from the Garden to now. In all of time never to occur again. God gave up his greatest love for the love of us. A single sacrifice for all our sins. To redeem our life. Sacrifice, we all do it for the ones we love. But, the magnitude of this one; this love for all on such a scale for eternity. This act in unrepeatable, so is our life and death.

How much do we sacrifice for our children, family, neighbors? We can certainly do our part and forget The Sacrifice. Mary’s intercessions at Fatima, Guadalupe, etc. and the great saints remind us of this.

In times of stress, help me remember, the power of sacrifice and your Mother’s intercessions.

November 13, Monday. Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini, Virgin.

Anxiety, Persistence and Love

There are those in life who strive and achieve the unbelievable. We may be made aware of them and if we’re lucky we may even know them. The feats Mother Cabrini achieved are on a par with our time’s Mother Theresa. Just a little reading about her, displays what persistence nourished through love can accomplish. Like us, this first U.S. Saint had some very real anxieties. She overcame and lived with what the world and her frailties harbored against.

My own illness heightens fears and anxiety, but through God I’m writing this. We can’t measure up against her, like we can’t measure up against Olympic athletes, but we can exercise own our bodies, minds and soul. We can see Mother Cabrini as an example as we conquer our own demons and reach new levels.

Lord, Give me courage and love to do what I must – to make that leap.

November 14th, Tuesday.

Respect:  Show it.  Get it.

Presentation. Reflection. Appearance. These are words my mother and grandmother always stated whenever we were preparing to go out. From interviews to holidays these were always in the back of my mind.  Today’s readings set guidelines for proper Christian behavior. We must set an example for others.  Show by deeds and not just words the kind of faith we base this temporary journey on.  This world is filled with corruption, pettiness, etc., and more so in the Roman world of Christ.

The early disciples quickly understood how our faith could grow in each of us and in our communities.  Dignity and respect are underscored, as is the importance of first impressions and ever-lasting integrity.  How could we talk of God’s love, neighborly love without self-respect and cooperation?  Think of quality not just the packaging.

Help me remember, Lord; that I am an example of what a Christian is.
